Saturday, June 25, 2022

Building a city takes time and money

There is a demographic area in Arkansas that has the ability to now declare itself, "newest city" in the State.

The process hit many bumps along the way but, with the help of Arkansas State Senator Bob Ballinger the laws were re-written to accommodate. 

The Arkansas Decomocrat Gazette wrote this article, Holiday Island gets ball rolling to become incorporated city, in December 2019.

When it was approved to place on the 2020 General Election Ballot, many people later expressed their misunderstanding as to what they were actually signing. 

Then when it actually passes, the anticipated money "turnback funds" was not immediately available. Those are dispensed funds to entities based on the previous year and that would be tax money of 2019. 

The community receives some poor information. Some were told, If you vote to be a City then the SID goes away. That is false info. The second government entity is the Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District (HISID). 

The City consists of resident property owners and renters. (voter's registration)
The SID is property owners both resident and non-resident. This group receives a Tax Assessment. It is not an HOA contrary to real-estate forms. 

In 2000, the Federal Government told all government groups to acquire a (dot) gov website for conducting government business. Everyone even received a one year grace on paying the (dot) gov fee. 

The FCC and FTC also advised government groups to have a written "government social media policy." 

Social media businesses have established policies. There is a reason. Let you ponder this comment for a moment.

So, I read in local social media groups, over and over that the communication is horrible for this new city. Don't disagree. I know where that info is but, not my job to keep directing people to a site that is not a (dot) gov. 

I did watch the city's June meeting live online and again today as an archive.

Image by Marc Manhart from Pixabay 

Google Town

Called to order. All board members present. Held up while phone numbers being exchanged; waiting for one person to join online. That person seems to be someone hired by contract to actually take the minutes.
  • The position of Code Enforcer has a candidate that accepted the City's offer. 
  • An interview with one applicant for Building Inspector. No offer given yet.
  • Short term rentals discussed and still researching
  • The Broadband Grant is not progressing.
  • The Sheriff contract is not progressing, at this time.
  • The City approves the interlocal contract between The City and the Suburban Improvement District. No details. Moves to The Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District (HISID) board of commissioners (BOC) on their agenda for Monday, June 27,2022 for discussion and a vote. The contract agreement begins on July 1, 2022 and runs through December 31, 2022.
  • Mayor has no quotes for bag tags. His phone is filled with calls regarding the City's mandatory trash collection. He said, the City also needs a City dumpster. 
  1. City planning commission repeatedly points out that zoning / planning ordinances and regulations are all under review by the City attorney.
  2. At this meeting, Lynn Dumas informs the Mayor and the Board that all plans from the planning commission by law have to be published in a newspaper for 15 days prior to a meeting. (Not just any newspaper; One with a circulation certificate)
  3. And: The planning commission is required by law to hold public hearings before an ordinance / regulation is approved.

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Bryan King won the Republican Primary Run-off against Senator Bob Ballinger.